Od glumice do političarke: Miranda iz serije "Seks i grad" u trci za guvernera Njujorka?


08.08.2017 15:28



U američkim medijima se pojavila informacija da bi glumica Sintija Nikson, poznata po ulozi Mirande iz serije "Seks i grad“, mogla da se kandiduje za guvernera Njujorka. Glumica, međutim, još nije potvrdila ove navode.

On my way to Hamptons screening of my new film #TheOnlyLivingBoyinNewYork My trusty backpack will be staying in the car....

Објава коју дели Cynthia Nixon (@cynthiaenixon) дана 6. Авг 2017. у 5:42 PDT

-Ne mogu da kažem više o tome - rekla je Nikson na premijeri svog filma "The Only Living Boy in New York".

?Attn: Darren Star / @hbo ? We have a totally fire concept for the inevitable third SATC film, outlined below. Dm for inquiries ?_______________________________________________________ In 2037, Miranda, Charlotte & Carrie are suddenly single again after Miranda finally comes out of the closet, Harry dies of a stroke, and Mr. Big leaves Carrie for Natasha’s daughter. The trio flee the gentrified wasteland that is Manhattan to join Samantha at her upscale South Beach retirement community. Hijinks ensue as they navigate the wacky world of geriatric dating, all while juggling their catheters AND cosmos. Evoking both #GoldenGirls and #TheFirstWivesClub, SATC: 3 proves that friendship, like good fashion, never goes out of style.

Објава коју дели Every outfit on Sex & the City (@everyoutfitonsatc) дана 30. Мар 2017. у 10:56 PDT

Prošle nedelje, Vol strit džurnal naveo je Sintiju Nikson na listi mogućih kandidata za guvernera Njujorka.

Upitana da li je razmišljala o karijeri u politici, 51-godišnja glumica rekla je:

- Neki ljudi pričali su sa mnom o tome. Pominjali su mi to. Dakle, da.